A ragtag bunch of misfits relentlessly dreaming of a better world.

Our connection is not just professional but relational (think a great big sandbox, not a corporate office). We are contractors, volunteers, entrepreneurs, under- & over-qualified dreamers, working together on projects we could not even imagine a few years ago.

We are captivated by a
God-sized vision for the future.

A future that features relationship, prayer, peacemaking, restoration and renewal, justice, the reimagining of Church, and a radical welcome to God’s inclusive and endless love (see Ephesians 3).

We’ve launched a few things already but don't own them. That's not what we want.

We are stewards, not owners. We are gardeners, not building developers. We are artists, not museum staff.

We are decentered, off balance, risky liberators collaborating for Kingdom come. We chose to work on something bigger than any one of us. Our idea is deep and wide. Rooted and established in God’s love, collectively we can grasp how long, high, wide and deep God’s love is.

We are testing the limits together.

Think Kingdom not empire.

Our DNA.

Our Values.

(From left to right) Danielle Strickland,
Cheryl Nembhard, & Angela Lam

The most common picture of leadership has been dominated by a solo act. We picture one person in a corner office with a fancy hierarchy chart of people under their authority… AND it’s the farthest thing from what we believe effective and creative leadership looks like. Leaders who are shaping themselves after a God-vision look like team. They lead together. We want to contend for this sacred style. So at the core of our Boundless Enterprise is a TRIAD celebrating the creative tension of difference and mutuality as we cultivate a spiritual engine room, creating sacred space for God to do boundless things.

We literally believe we’re better together at the core of Boundless.

Our Story
(so far…)

We really don’t know how to make a boundless org chart. The nature of Boundless is well … boundless! An org chart tends to be about who’s who, hierarchical order, and structure. But the order isn’t our priority… people are. We love team and relationships and synergy and mutuality. We think we are better together. So, the best way to explain who we are is to tell our story…so far.

🙂 Keep in mind, it’s changing, growing, and moving every day so that’ll be impossible to try and keep this up to date, but here we go!