Boundless knows that to go wide, we must also go deep.
Boundless is not an ever-growing empire, it is an invitation into the boundless work of bringing heaven to earth. As entrepreneurs, we deal in dreams, exploration, creation, launches & collaboration. As spiritual entrepreneurs, we recognize that we cannot safely go wide if we will not go deep. Infinitum is the spiritual practice that anchors us every day in the reality that the Kingdom of Heaven is both deep and wide.
Rooted, holistic, robust faith
Generations / global impact
Endless possibilities in form/structure
Meaningful & integrated ways
Embracing chaos as a starting place
Connecting w/Divine Spark/Spirit
Birthing new expressions
Experimentation/risk (FAITH)
Working Together
Deeply connected with each other
Going deep is something we nurture by practicing Infinitum in all our initiatives.
Infinitum is a formula built on the promises found in Ephesians 3; that followers of Jesus would grow both deep & wide.
Like we see with Jesus, the formula is simple (even if it isn’t easy):
Live surrendered, generous & missional
Love & love
(God & others)
It’s framework, as well, is simple:
Meet with others to process & spark the journeys we’re on
Challenge ourselves to experiment in the width of our discipleship
Posture Prayers
to launch the day
This Infinitum way isn’t reserved for personal discipleship, we do this together. The same formula of depth/width, love, surrender, generosity & mission, etc… they play out all over our organization & environments.
We are infused with Infinitum.
Wanna taste test Infinitum for yourself?